Sunday, September 13, 2015

Talking to Heavenly Father

I haven’t posted on my blog in a long while, but I decided that I am going to try to post once week.

Today I would to like to share about prayer. Today at church one of the lessons in Sunday school was about prayer. Prayer is a way that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father.

My questions for you to ponder is What is prayer? How does Heavenly Father answer prayers?

Not only is prayer a way that we can speak to our Heavenly Father, he talks to us back. It’s a two way street although sometimes Heavenly Father takes a little while longer to answer. Last Sunday someone in church brought it up like its snail mail. Sometimes letters get lost, sometimes they aren’t answered as fast as we would like. Sometimes Heavenly Father doesn’t know what to write back to us. I know though that Heavenly father will answer as back at some time. It may not always be the way we want, the answer could be a no, and sometimes it’s a yes. Sometimes Heavenly Father answers our prayers through other people. Prayer is not only for the bad, when you are having trouble we are more likely to get on our knees to prayer. However, at all times we should prayer, we should prayer to give thanks for what we have. We should bless on the food before our meals. We should pray for others, along with our needs.

I want to share with you one of the many stories (ask me any time about other ones) about how prayer has been so important in my life. I was trying to determine where I wanted to spend the next couple years going to school. I thought I had made my mind up about going to BYU, however as I started to do research I found this tiny school in an LDS environment called SVU. I decided that I would give it a try and spend the day at an open houses. I prayed that morning that I would be able to figure out if this was really where I needed to be. I got the school determined this was not where I was going, I didn’t want to spend my life here. I went through the open house. That night as I got home I prayed about it again. I realized this little school no one really knows about, especially when you are from Maryland, that I was supposed to go to SVU and spend the next few years there. I am still not sure why Heavenly Father sent me to this school, maybe it’s so I could meet amazing roommates. Maybe, I am here to prepare for something grater like a mission.  

I am now working on praying about going on a mission and let’s just say it’s been hard for me to be patient in my Heavenly Father on answering this life changing prayer. It’s such a big thing and I want to make sure I am doing the right thing before I move on. I like to imagine that the answer to my prayers would come in big letters across a screen but it hasn’t happened yet. It would be so simple if Heavenly Father would write it and mail it back to me. He hasn’t done that yet, so I am going to just wait patiently until I get an answer.

I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. He knows us, He is always listening to our prayers, He will answer them. He may not answer them as we would like but he will. He may not put our answers on a screen in big bold letters, like I would but he will answer them. I know that as we say our prayers we can grow closer to our Heavenly Father. He loves us and is going to be there at all times.

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